Sunday 2 June 2013

Pre-OPUS JAY in Singapore Part 1

FIVE MORE SLEEPS TO GO before I get to see His Royal DIAOness in concert!!!!!

And these are the merchandise which will be sold at the concert....but boy, will they apparently cost a bomb!

I have decided that I will most probably forgo buying stuff as I've already spent more than a bomb on the three nights of concert tickets. Not to mention that there would most likely be long queues which might even involve fans lining up overnight!
Erm....I'm not prepared to go to that extent.
All I can say is that I'm crazy-mad for Jay himself and the concert experience (hence the three nights) but the merchandise, although tantalising, is not THAT important in the bigger picture. 
After all, what will endure for me are the memories of seeing and hearing him in person, kept strong by youtube vids, photos, newslinks and my own blog. ;)

Of course, there will be loads of media reports before the concert, starting with this magazine, Uweekly....which will likely fly off the newstands from tomorrow or Monday:

And there should be more in the local entertainment news sections next week too.

Stay tuned!


  1. I actually missed buying the 8 days and the u weekly mag. U happen to have extras?

    1. Oh dear...I'm afraid not.
      Hope you can find them somewhere.
