Sunday 11 August 2013

Jay vs Kobe Sprite Challenge!


Those two fellas were at it again for the annual Sprite event in Shanghai on 10 August 2013.

The run-up to the match had been fraught with some worry about Jay as his ankylosing spondylitis had been acting up and he required an injection and oral medications for the pain.

But of course, His Royal DIAOness' perseverance and never-say-die spirit saw him through and come match day, he was ready and raring to go....more or less. ;)

Translated article from Jay Chou Studio:

For more pics of the event, do hop on over to my Facebook Page:

Beautiful banner made by a fan:

Here are the highlights:

If you prefer something a little less, here is a news clip about the event:

To end off, let me just share Jay's upcoming schedule with you....just reading it makes me tired already!
I hope he gets enough rest in between all these engagements, because his condition is not a curable one and he really has to take good care if he wants to go on performing.

Having said that, here's an open note I penned to Jay on my Facebook Pages:

Dearest Jay, 

Rest assured:

Even if you cannot dance or jump around on stage during your concert, I would be more than happy to just be there to listen to you sing your songs and talk to us.
And if you cannot sing, the fans and I would be the ones singing your songs for you to listen to, just so long as you are there with us and sharing the love of your amazing music which has touched our hearts and our lives.

I love this shot of his precious smile and that DIMPLE! 


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